то я рада, что you guys love it )))
Where did you find this Russian song?
Это Включай любовь of Натали ))) фактически, I’m not a regular русский музыка listener, but even so I know some famous (those who I think “famous”) певицы, например, Натали ))) I don’t like some of the pop-певицы, более всего, some female singing groups, whose image music (MV) are too sexy, setting inappropriate examples for young girls )))
We wanna Becky not Price this summer ))) Тока я не понял, о каком ПРАЙСЕ идёт речь
Sorry, I was talking about (Epiphanny) Prince. I hear about news saying she would replace Becky to play for RU NT.
попробовал скачать видео, а скачивается трек Натали-Включай любовь.mp3
I'll upload one copy of Включай любовь for you later )))
Don't you visit the great, powerful, awesome русский website: http://rutracker.org/forum/ ?
Here you could get a whole collection of Наташка )))
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1335440 (a 2009 Album is followed down that thread)
I want to learn your language, where in our forum could I able to discuss (or start a linguistic thread) to ask question, such as:
How to pronounce Russian р —— "the rolling R", like the letter "р" in the word "роза" ))) I can pronouce английский "R", like the letter "r" in words like "rose, rice, ect.", and also français "R" ))) But, rolling р, for me, is too difficult to conquer. My tongue (tip) could not vibrate, it just couldn't roll )))
Maybe this is a common confusion for Russian language learners. (perhaps, Espana, Italian, Polish learners)