О, значит на других может и не быть!) может на финале ЧЕ сыграет? или так нельзя? Царь в моей голове отрёкся от престола. Теперь у меня демократия Ес-се кю тю пью ме офрир тон ти-шёрт!!!
Сообщение отредактировал Евгения - Четверг, 21 Мая 2009, 20:24
вот бабуля то , аж свой возраст забыла))) я думала я разучилась считать)) Я могу говорить о баскетболе, о чем угодно, но как человек - я оглядываюсь назад и вижу, что прошла через многое, оставшись собой. Больше всего горжусь этим.
Quote (stasya)
Вирус BH32, в следующем году модифицируется в BH33
alone, классные фотки, спасибо! Бэкки как всегда мила с фанами. Там не Хот случайно с ней? А видео прямо в теме статьи? Или есть ссылка? Я че-то не нашла..
Но на Ребкелл вот её пост: " She was ESPN The Zone for her weekly segment tonight. I was there and took video of the segment and we will have the video up on her site soon. Bottom line it sounds like she is still trying to get out of it. She said when she got to Russia they wanted her to stay with them until the June 20th. She told them no it was out of the question and not an option. They are still trying to resolve the issue but she said she told them missing our home opener was not on the table. The only two games in question are both road games. NY and Conn. She would be back for the home game against Pheonix if she goes. She basically said this past trip got her some breathing room from the pressure they were giving and that she plays in the WNBA for love but financially her retirement fund was invested in her Russian contract. So yes there is financial component she needs to protect. At this point it is still up in the air with the only definate being it would be two games at the most and both road games. It sounds like that was all she was willing to give them if it came down to it. Overall she was relieved and happy to be home. It didn't sound like we would get an answer anytime soon. "